The Social Excellence Project

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"Nobody is BOLD Anymore." (The Missing Professional Ingredient in Your Beige Career)

This is part of a series of articles on Social Excellence in the workplace called “The Relationship Business Series.” Because after all, we’re all in the relationship business. For more helpful content like this, sign up for (free) The 21 Days of Social Excellence.

by Matt Mattson

Are you feeling stuck in your professional journey, craving a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of purpose?

I dare you to try out a posture in your professional conversations and relationships this next quarter... see what it does for your career.



Before I dive in too deep, let me explain why I'm writing this article... Sometimes in professional development seminars or keynotes, I'll have my audience choose their favorite word from our definition of "Social Excellence" (click here to read it for yourself).

People used to pick "bold" all the time.

As the years have passed (and generations have shifted), fewer and fewer people (fewer young people especially) are picking the word, "bold." Perhaps its the prevailing pessimism of Gen Z. Perhaps its the story of financial insecurity shared by too many of the Millenials who came before them. I'm not sure what it is... but we're seeing fewer and fewer bold voices in the workplace.


That word is important. That word is powerful.

And to be honest, that word is often misunderstood.

When I say BOLD, I don't mean being pushy, obnoxious, or wreckless with your interactions.

Quite the opposite. Boldness requires finesse. Boldness is born in your heart. Boldness is selfless, when done right.

In a sea of mediocrity, where complacency is the norm, choosing to be bold is a radical act of self-liberation. It's about breaking free from the shackles of fear and complacency and embracing the fullness of your potential. So, let's dive deeper into what it means to be bold in your workplace interactions and conversations.

Being bold means standing up for others. It means being their advocate, their ally, and their voice when they can't find their own. Boldness empowers you to challenge unfairness, inequality, and discrimination, creating a workplace that fosters inclusivity and belonging for all.

Boldness also requires humility — the humility to admit when you don't have all the answers, the willingness to seek advice and guidance from others, and the openness to learn from different perspectives. It's about recognizing that collaboration and shared knowledge are the pillars of growth and innovation. It's about fighting for the collective wisdom of the team over the limitations of individual loud voices.

But boldness doesn't stop at humility — it takes courage to share your opinions, knowing that they may face resistance or disagreement. It means embracing constructive conflict and engaging in robust discussions that challenge the status quo. By sharing your unique insights and perspectives, you contribute to a culture of diverse ideas and breakthrough solutions.

Being bold is not about merely pointing out problems; it's about being solution-oriented. It's about bringing proactive and innovative ideas to the table, demonstrating your commitment to making a positive impact. Boldness means rolling up your sleeves, taking ownership of challenges, and working tirelessly to find resolutions that propel your team and organization forward.

So, how can you cultivate boldness in your professional life this upcoming quarter?

Will you accept the dare to be bold in your professional interactions and conversations?

Start by embracing discomfort and stepping out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to take on new projects, lead initiatives, or speak up in meetings. Each step you take outside your comfort zone will strengthen your boldness muscle and expand your capabilities.

Remember, being bold is not a one-time act but a lifelong commitment. It requires perseverance and resilience. Embrace failures as opportunities to learn and grow. And above all, be true to yourself, as boldness stems from authenticity.

Now is the time to break free from the chains of conformity and choose the path of boldness. Embrace the power within you and let it illuminate your professional journey. Be brave, be humble, be courageous, and be the catalyst for positive change. Your boldness will not only transform your professional life but inspire those around you to do the same. It's time to be bold.